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this is us

About Us

“The limits of my language(s) are the limits of my world” [1]

The focus of our work is the bilingual care of children, in German and English.

The challenge is to give children the opportunity to learn and internalize a second language alongside their mother tongue, during their language acquisition period and beyond, and to do so in a playful way.

In addition, English-speaking children are given the opportunity to continue speaking their native language and to be understood in their "German-speaking" environment.

[1] Quote from the BBP, edition 2004, by Ludwig Wittgenstein

Children's groups


At Zilli Billi Willi, children from the age of one to school age are looked after. The one to four year olds, our minis, play in the rooms on Herbert-Baum-Straße and the four to six year olds, our maxis, play in the rooms on Streustraße. We can look after up to 39 children in total in both rooms, although both are to be viewed as a unit and will work across groups.


Wie wird Englisch in den Alltag integriert?

Unser Kinderladen arbeitet nach dem Konzept der Immersion „Eintauchen in die Sprache“. Beide Sprachen stehen den Kindern durch deutsche und englische Muttersprachler zur Verfügung.

Diese Bildungsphilosophie des Zweitspracherwerbs ruht auf dem Prinzip, dass Sprachen am besten erworben werden, wenn sie in authentischen Situationen angewendet werden.

Die immersive Begleitung der Kinder wird gefördert durch eine englischsprachige Betreuung während des gesamten Tages und durch alltägliche Rituale und sprachlich begleitete Handlungen.

Außerdem gibt es tägliche englischsprachige Angebote für die Kinder, in der ausschließlich die englische Sprache gesprochen wird, um zusätzlich das „Eintauchen“ in die Sprache zu fördern. Ebenfalls gibt es Materialien, welche sowohl für den deutschsprachigen als auch für den englischsprachigen Gebrauch geeignet sind.

Funding under the Berlin Education Programme


Children’s rights

Children have the right:

  • to be accepted as they are

  • on active, positive attention and warmth

  • to be left alone, to withdraw

  • to differentiate oneself as a person from adults or other children

  • on an individual development process and their own pace

  • on playing and choosing your own playmates

  • on responsible and committed caregivers

  • to research and experiment

  • to have diverse experiences

  • on fantasy in own worlds

  • on manageable rooms that are sensibly arranged according to children’s needs

  • to a diverse, stimulating and adaptable environment

  • on a healthy diet

  • on a dining situation that is relaxed and communicative, on eating as a sensual experience

Development of social skills

In our children's groups we promote community and acceptance of the individuality of our fellow human beings, regardless of origin, gender or religion.

Children need freedom to develop and flourish.

We give the children the freedom

  • Age-appropriate participation and self-determination

  • Freedom of movement

  • to express one's opinion freely

  • To be able to use retreat options

  • to try out

  • to relive outdated behaviour patterns

Early childhood music education

Our children's groups love making music. The children have free access to instruments every day and we sing together in German and English. Our repertoire includes well-known and new children's songs, suitable for all seasons.

Healthy eating

The children's shop offers mainly organic food, incorporating the following nutritional approaches:

Nutritional variety, child-friendly preparation, regional products, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Lunch is delivered by an organic wholefood catering service.

Forms of cooperation with parents


Starting with the familiarization discussion for the transition from the family to the daycare center, through to development and parent discussions, parents' evenings and board meetings are an important part of the cooperation between the educators and the parents. Parents are also informed via circular emails, WhatsApp groups, notices and weekly plans.

Parents are involved in the organization and implementation of highlights, projects and excursions.

There are voluntary tasks that are distributed among the parents, such as the repair office, ordering drugstore items or being parent representatives.

We want parents who can identify with "their" children's store.

Example daily routine

Mini group :

8.00 Arrival of the children and farewell to the parents

9.00 breakfast together

10.00 Time for projects, crafts, free play, music, outdoor games…

11.45 Singing Circle

12.00 lunch together

13.00 - 14.30 Lunch break

15.00 Vespers

15.30 Play and pick-up time

17.00 Closing


8.00 Arrival of the children and farewell to the parents

8.30 breakfast together

9.00 Time for projects, music, sports, free play, excursions, morning circle

13.00 shared lunch

14.00-15.00 rest break

15.30 Vespers

16.00 Play and pick-up time

17.00 Closing


Herbert-Baum-Strasse 34

13088 Berlin, Weissensee

+49 1590 6683155

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