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Warum schwimmt so viel Müll im Meer-min.JPG

Our projects

In our daycare center, we focus on holistic and playful development of children through a variety of projects and project days. Here you can find some examples from our varied program.

Feel temperature-min.JPG


Everything that can be measured

During our project week, the children enthusiastically measured various things such as temperatures, sizes and time. In doing so, they learned how to use scales and compare sizes in a playful way.


It's me

During our project week on the topic of "Our Body," the children drew their own outlines on paper and made handprints. They also learned more about the functions and characteristics of their bodies through various creative activities.

Design body outlines-min.JPG
Dinos basteln-min.jpg


Dinosaurs and prehistoric times

Hier drehte sich alles um das faszinierende Thema Urzeit und Dinosaurier. Die Kinder tauchten in die Welt der Dinosaurier ein. Spannende Geschichten und kreative Aktivitäten ließen die Urzeit lebendig werden und weckten die Neugier der kleinen Forscher.


Crocodile comes to visit

Unser Zahnputz-Kroko besucht uns jedes Jahr und zeigt den Kindern worauf es beim Zähneputzen ankommt.

Crocodile shows how to brush your teeth properly-min.JPG
Try jungle fruits-min.JPG


Life in the jungle

Here the children experience the diversity of the jungle. They learn about the different animals, trees and fruits. Exciting stories and creative activities brought the jungle up close to our daycare center.


Under the Sea

The children immersed themselves in the fascinating underwater world. They discovered colorful fish, coral reefs and mysterious sea creatures. Through creative craft projects and exciting stories, the children learned about the diversity of the sea in a playful way and explored the underwater habitats.

Making an octopus out of wool 1-min.JPG
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